
In the market Zooming in on Eston syrup plant

Monday, 29 November 2021

The planting and rising of sugar cane, and eventually the manufacturing of sugar, has a long history at Illovo Sugar, but the creation of syrup from the cane stalk has a long history as well, and is still practiced in a more modern world today. Illovo Syrup has been a part of South African families' breakfasts and festive events in the desert menu for more than a century.

The Illovo syrup plant has been in existence for almost a century, and it has long been a part of South African families' breakfasts as well as their celebratory and festive dessert menus.

Illovo Sugar is Africa's largest sugar producer, and is a significant manufacturer of high-value downstream products such as syrup. The Eston syrup plant, found in the Ethekwini Municipality, produces a variety of syrups available in flavours such as traditional, caramel, maple, and golden syrup, as well as loved dessert toppings, in a variety of flavours such as chocolate, mint, cappuccino and coffee!

When it comes to sweets, did you know that the syrup plant has a large sweetie client base?

This ranges from all-time family favourites like the Original Champion candy to the famed Liquorice All Sorts candy. Snack Works and Candy Tops, to mention a few, are among our customers. All of the syrup plant's products, as well as all of its packaging and storage, are made entirely by the company.

The syrup plant employs 42 people, all of whom are from the local community. The Illovo syrup plant also does everything they can to support their community by building good relationships with key stakeholders such as local schools and the municipality to help with any local needs. As a result of their wonderful work within the community, this relationship has also benefitted the plant – the was seen when our plant was in fact protected by the community during the unrest in July.

The Illovo Sugar syrup plant is old but in good health, with minor restorations needed here and there. It still has a unique feel to it, and it has undergone a few substantial site modifications following redevelopment projects. Among the significant renovations were:

A canteen for employees
The warehouse overhang - Before
The stores building - Before
The can lines before and now replaced with tube lines
Syrup packaging – Before
Toppings range


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