
Write in & Wina Wena What inspires me: The secret to happiness is helping others

Monday, 29 November 2021

By : Nonjabulo Mbanjwa
Planning Clerk
Eston Illovo Sugar Mill


We are living in the most amazing time in human history, yet at the same time we are faced with many challenges with the pandemic, crime, violence, just to name a few. Every day I see people who don’t know what to do or how to feel about it. Too many people are demotivated, negative and unhappy; they go to work wishing they didn’t have to. They wake up tired and spend their day tired and don’t have the energy to go out or even watch television because of all the negativity the media feeds us. I want to share that you need to start feeling more of the abundance around you, instead of focusing on limitation. Be inspired by everything around you no matter the negativity and always see the positive! There is a saying by Goldie Hawn, “Giving back is as good for you as it is for those you are helping, because giving gives you purpose. When you have a purpose-driven life, you’re a happier person.” Well, with that being said, I get inspired by going out of my way to make other people happy. Happiness is something money can’t buy. It is the by-product of spreading happiness among others. What do we have to gain from helping others you may ask? Well, nothing materialistic, but rather a sense of joy and satisfaction gained from spreading love. In addition, for me the inspiration is within me. I look back at whatever I have achieved no matter how big or small, and I am happy with what I have, whether it required a lot of my energy, many struggles, hardships, tears, and failures but at the end, I am happy and grateful. On that note, what have you done for others lately? How have you contributed to the wellbeing and happiness of others? Know that it is not too late! The festive season is upon us, so why not help bring a smile to those less fortunate by volunteering at an orphanage or donating sweets and toys? Donate your old clothes to the homeless, spare a loaf of bread for the hungry, offer your neighbour a cup of tea, massage your elders’ feet, help that lady at the grocery store reach the top of the shelf for her favourite cookies. The smallest thing that may seem silly to you might help change a person’s feelings and attitude for that day. At the end of the day we do not know what people go through daily but our sole purpose in life is to help humanity. Helping others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.

Let us not lose the Ubuntu in us.


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