
Health @ Illovo Mental health during festive season is a top priority these holidays

Monday, 29 November 2021

Although the holiday season is seen as joyful and fun, the holiday blues are a real phenomenon. The amount of stress felt during the holidays may surprise you, but you certainly aren’t alone in feeling low. The holiday season can be a tremendously stressful time for many individuals who are struggling with depression, loneliness and anxiety.

Here are some things to take into consideration during this period:

Take care of money worries

  • Be cautious and careful with your money during December, never spend more than you should – getting into debt buying gifts and entertaining guests is never wise. Who needs Janu-worry financial blues?
  • Find low-cost or free ways to have fun. Do not let money cut you off from your family and friends.
Managing loneliness
  • Connect with friends and family online or via phone calls if you are separated by distance (or COVID-19).
  • Consider charity work if you are feeling low, giving to others in need can certainly lift your own spirit.
  • Make plans for Christmas Day. Perhaps make yourself a special breakfast and buy yourself a gift in advance to enjoy on the day. Invite other people who may be lonely to spend time with you.
  • Dealing with family tension

    • Split families and unresolved conflict may contribute to anxiety. Family and relationship problems can be a trigger for anxiety.
    • If you do consume alcohol, be sure to drink in moderation. It may be tempting to drink too much during the festive period, but alcohol can contribute to stress, anxiety and depression.
    • Avoid known triggers. If your family has a history of arguing over a certain topic, do not bring it up and whenever possible avoid family drama.

    Make use of professional psychologists that have been approved by ICAS to facilitate counselling sessions for ISSA employees at all the sites. Employees who need this service can book a session by using the toll free number (0800 775 777) or they can visit the clinic and make a booking. These counselling sessions are provided to assist with psychological problems or troubles that employees may be faced and can assist with any stress, grief, anxiety or trauma being experienced by individuals.

    The psychologists provide support, advice and tips for everyday life and they are available at all sites. Individual face-to-face or telephonic and group counselling is available.

    COVID-19 and the festive season

    During this festive season COVID-19 safety should definitely be a major consideration. After months of isolation, it is understandable that people yearn for hugs from family members. But there is no need to celebrate by gathering in very large crowds, being overly excited that you forget the safety rules!

    Some tips for the festive season

    • Make your event is as safe as possible for guests; ventilate the rooms appropriately or host the event in your garden to enable natural ventilation.
    • If you decide to have gathering, keep them small and short.
    • Encourage people to wear masks and ensure there is enough space for each guest to maintain at least one metre distance from others.
    • Help your guests follow COVID-19 appropriate measures — provide masks, alcohol-based hand sanitiser or access to soap and water.


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