
Illovo Group News ISSA Speak Up Programme Initiative Roll-Out

Monday, 29 November 2021

Illovo Sugar Africa launched the Illovo Speak Up programme earlier this month, replacing the former Deloitte Tip-Offs Anonymous service. As Illovo Sugar South Africa, we are also a part of this new initiative. The Speak Up program was launched by ABF's 53 member companies throughout the world, and it is currently being customized for Illovo and integrated into our operations. We must continue to operate with integrity, proudly supporting and protecting a culture of trust, fairness, and accountability, and encouraging effective and honest communication at all levels of the organization. The existing whistleblowing procedures have been reviewed and expanded as part of our transition to our Speak Up campaign, to ensure that everyone feels encouraged to come forward with concerns while also feeling supported and protected throughout the process. The nomination and training of Speak Up officers in each of our businesses has already been completed as part of the implementation process. Their appointment, which is independent from the job of the existing ABC Officers, is meant to encourage people to file reports by providing alternative, more approachable, business-specific contacts.

Speak openly; Speak safely; Speak up.

Speak Up relies primarily on three basic alternatives to encourage disclosure – while being supported and protected at every stage in the process – to assist foster a culture of openness and freedom to come forward without fear of victimization:

  • Talk to your line manager, which is the best thing to do in most cases
  • Contact your Speak Up Officer, if you prefer or if the issue is unresolved, or
  • Use the Speak Up phone line (existing Deloitte number - 0800 455 686) or URL ( , if you feel you can’t report your concerns internally
Our Speak Up Officers at ISSA are:

    We are in the early stages of implementation, and in the New Year, our Corporate Affairs division will offer a lot more information about Speak Up, including the finalization of the new Illovo Speak Up policy and the essential procedures it introduces. Personally, I am committed to eliminating unethical behaviour and impropriety in our organization, and I am even more committed to providing the appropriate measures, controls, encouragement, and support for those of us who wish to "Speak Up" about such behaviour wherever we work. For these reasons, I enthusiastically endorse the expansion of our present whistle-blower program, and I hope to have your support as well.

      Ricky Govender
      Managing Director
      Illovo Sugar (South Africa)


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