
Khuluma Nathi

Monday, 29 November 2021

The Khuluma Nathi platform is a digital employee engagement solution designed for ISSA and was created during 2019, which connects employees directly to the organisation no matter where they are.

What are the benefits of the platform?
For Illovo Sugar:
  • Through real-time employee insights, enable Illovo to make more informed and real-time decisions supporting the business and operations.
  • Shift ways of working with employees to allow for a more collaborative and engaging partnership.
  • Reach a bigger audience and multiple constituencies simultaneously.
For Employees:
  • Regular and accessible engagement between leadership and employees
  • Regular and accessible information for employees on safety, production, vacancies and latest Illovo news
  • Employee Recognition Programme
  • The platform is available in English and isiZulu
What can the platform be used for exactly?
  • Broadcast messaging (Illovo Leadership Engagement)
  • One on one Q and A or Suggestions to EXCO or GM’s
  • Surveys
  • Recognition and appreciation
Who is able to access the platform?
  • All permanent employees regardless of mobile device (Smart phone or basic mobile phone) or operating system being utilised.

USSD is free of charge for all Illovo staff. Dial *134*269# and follow the prompts.


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