
Sweet to meet you

Monday, 29 November 2021

To end off the year, we are ‘meeting’ and getting to know an additional five staff members from ISSA who have navigated their way through this year with various challenges as well as successes in our company, their personal lives and in the country. We chat to some of the syrup colleagues and a new member from finance!

Geshnie Naidoo

  1. What’s your name and what is your role at ISSA?
  2. Geshnee Naidoo – Senior SHERQ Compliance Officer
  3. How long have you been with ISSA?
  4. On the eighth year now.
  5. How do you relate to your colleagues and how do you contribute to team work?
  6. I think that each person is different and understanding that is key. Respect is what builds relationships and being humble and always helping each other keeps the team together.
  7. What do you love most about the company?
  8. The sugar business has historically been a male orientated business and it is amazing to see the business grow, with so many females in very senior roles. I love that the business is always allowing people to develop. I started in this business as FTC and since grown significantly with a BTech in Biotechnology and another BTech in Quality Assurance. I’m also looking at starting my Masters for which I have already been receiving a lot of support.
  9. What to you are key traits of a good leader?
  10. Ultimately a good leader needs to be honest and transparent, ensuring that the right thing is always done and continuously setting a good example for all to follow.
  11. What keeps you motivated on a daily basis?
  12. My family. Losing loved ones at a young age made me realise that time is never on our side. I wake up every day and try to give my best to show my kids that giving your best and enjoying what you do, is really all there is to it.
  13. What has been the biggest work challenge you’ve faced so far in your current role?
  14. Working through the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring our teams are safe, calm and still motivated. Also, juggling home schooling whilst being onsite was a challenge, but has definitely made my kids stronger. Having family members get sick and recovering from COVID-19 was one of the most stressful times.
  15. What would you consider as one of your biggest triumphs and achievements achieved in your role?
  16. I would say it was my ability to fit into this role quickly. I started at the syrup plant in the midst of many audits and had to learn and adapt very quickly. The late nights paid off with exceptional outcomes from the audits.
  17. Is there anything else that you think might be of interest to others about you? (it may be fun, such as travelling, volunteering at orphanages in your free time etc)
  18. I am a God fearing woman, and am truly blessed for all that I have been given. We are fortunate enough to help others with our local feeding schemes, especially children in need. I love the outdoors. We have recently done the Drakensberg Grotto hiking trail which was exhilarating. A few recreational sports have also caught my attention, such as skydiving and the Moses Mabhida Stadium swing were just some that I have ticked off my bucket list. Mostly… I love spending time with my family!
  19. llovo Sugar South Africa is an organisation that is rich in culture and diversity by race,age,gender, how do you manage these differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination in the business?
  20. We have grown up with a diverse culture and so for me, its just treating every person with respect and kindness.
Rennel Naidoo

  1. What’s your name and what is your role at ISSA?
  2. Rennel Naidoo – Manufacturing Supervisor at the syrup plant.
  3. How long have you been with ISSA?
  4. 16 years
  5. How do you relate to your colleagues and how do you contribute to team work?
  6. I have a bubbly personality and I’m always willing to help in any section of the business. Proactive communication with my team keeps them well informed and ready for what’s ahead.
  7. What do you love most about the company?
  8. Illovo is one of the safest and secure companies in the industry at the moment. Illovo also takes care of their people through community initiatives and many staff benefits.
  9. What to you are key traits of a good leader?
  10. A person who is hands on and works directly with their team, having good communication skills.
  11. What keeps you motivated on a daily basis?
  12. Overcoming the daily challenges is what keeps me motivated! New projects and initiatives is something that I enjoy! The syrup plant has started the speciality sugar lines which has taken off well.
  13. What has been the biggest work challenge you’ve faced so far in your current role?
  14. The main challenge is working with old infrastructure and still being part of the food safety scope. However we have good teams that are proactive in making this work.
  15. What would you consider as one of your biggest triumphs and achievements achieved in your role?
  16. Coming to this role from the sugar making industry, it was a big change as switching over to syrup manufacturing is a different downstream process.
  17. Is there anything else that you think might be of interest to others about you? (it may be fun, such as travelling, volunteering at orphanages in your free time etc)
  18. I love children and have three minions of my own that I take care off. They fill our lives with so much joy and happiness. I love gardening and currently strawberries are on the go at our house.
  19. Illovo Sugar South Africa is an organisation that is rich in culture and diversity by race,age,gender, how do you manage these differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination in the business?
  20. It all comes down to communication and how you approach the team. Respect and attitude is what is needed to each team member.
Rajan Odayar

  1. What’s your name and what is your role at ISSA?
  2. My name is Rajan Odayar and I am the Stores Supervisor at the Illovo Sugar Syrup Plant in Lower Illovo.
  3. How long have you been with ISSA?
  4. I have been with ISSA since April 2018, spaning my service approximately three and a half years.
  5. How do you relate to your colleagues and how do you contribute to team work?
  6. I believe that being kind, compassionate and making everyone feel appreciated is important when relating to your colleagues and I use these qualities in team work as well.
  7. What do you love most about the company?
  8. There’s a huge opportunity for growth.
  9. What to you are key traits of a good leader?
  10. A good leader is one who supports, guides and mentors his team. He is able to listen attentively, give positive criticism and make his team feel involved. He must also take responsibility where needed and set a good example for his team.
  11. What keeps you motivated on a daily basis?
  12. Performing my duties responsibly.
  13. What has been the biggest work challenge you’ve faced so far in your current role?
  14. My biggest challenge was when we were told by our suppliers that our deliveries are on hold. The challenges were resolved after communicating to the various departments involved.
  15. What would you consider as one of your biggest triumphs and achievements achieved in your role?
  16. Ensuring that there is always enough packaging material for the syrup plant operations to run smoothly without any downtime.
  17. Is there anything else that you think might be of interest to others about you? (it may be fun, such as travelling, volunteering at orphanages in your free time etc) I am very involved in the sport of darts and currently represent Kwa-Zulu Natal in the South African National Darts Championship, which takes place every year.
  18. Illovo Sugar South Africa is an organisation that is rich in culture and diversity by race, age,gender, how do you manage these differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination in the business?
  19. I don’t believe in separation related to race, gender, age, or any other forms of discrimination. I believe that everyone should be treated alike for we are all human beings and are working together for one company, striving for a common goal. You should always treat others as you would like to be treated.
Samkelo Ngcobo

  1. What’s your name and what is your role at ISSA?
  2. Samkelo Ngcobo – ISSA Tax Specialist.
  3. How long have you been with ISSA?
  4. Just started now, 01 December 2021.
  5. How do you relate to your colleagues and how do you contribute to team work? (You may answer this question based on your previous experience)
  6. I try to build a rapport that is not based on work deliverables only. I contribute to the team by ensuring that the deliverables are met and I assist my colleagues where needed.
  7. What do you love most about the company so far?
  8. The inclusiveness and my fellow colleagues always being willing to assist. On a side note, as someone who has relocated from Joburg the ocean view is a bonus.
  9. What to you are key traits of a good leader?
  10. Encouraging strategic thinking, innovation, action and developing others around you.
  11. What keeps you motivated on a daily basis?
  12. I motivate myself by setting achievable daily goals eg. Finish a report, jog 10km or catch up with an old friend.
  13. What has been the biggest work challenge you’ve been faced with in your career by far?
  14. Auditing two big JSE listed entities (First Rand Bank and Discovery Group) that both had the same year end.
  15. What would you like to achieve in your current role?
  16. Automation of the tax pack.
  17. Is there anything else that you think might be of interest to others about you? (it may be fun, such as travelling, volunteering at orphanages in your free time etc)
  18. I started running/jogging in May 2020 and in a year and half I have done 1 200km.
  19. Illovo Sugar South Africa is an organisation that is rich in culture and diversity by race,age, gender, how do you manage these differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination in the business?
  20. I am proud to be part of a company that recognises that South Africa is a country that is rich in culture and diverse and this is incorporated in our Illovo’s DNA. It is about the work that a person produces rather than who they are.


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