
Safety @ Illovo Festive season personal and road safety tips

Monday, 29 November 2021

With the festive season here and many of us planning a well-deserved break or holiday, remember to ensure your homes are secure while you are away, be extra careful on the roads and look after your valuables while on holiday. Crime tends to increase during the holiday season, so be vigilant and stay safe.

Some tips to consider this festive season; Leaving your home:
  • Post boxes can be cleared by a neighbour, family member or friend. Advise your neighbours of your holiday plans and ask them to check on your home and ensure all house windows and doors are locked and alarm is armed
  • On holiday:
  • Be cautious when using ATMs and think twice about shopping in an unfamiliar environment. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or displaying flashy jewellery, watches or cell phones
  • Do not leave valuables in shopping trolleys and always accompany children to public toilets
  • Place valuables in the boot of the car and do not leave items such as cell phones and wallets out in the open, unattended or on the seat of a car – ensure your car is lock and not remote-jammed by checking the its locked
On the road:
  • Plan travel routes well in advance and tell people about your plans and final destinations
  • Always wear your seat belt and see that everyone in the car is wearing theirs Always wear your seat belt and see that everyone in the car is wearing theirs
  • Be cautious when driving, especially at night. Avoid stopping in remote areas
  • Make sure that your vehicle is in a roadworthy condition before departure. All lights, indicators, windscreen wipers, brakes, steering, and tyres checked before you hit the road
  • Do not overload your vehicle
  • Stay within the speed limit at all times
  • Obey the rules of the road and carry you driver’s license with you
  • Maintain at least a two second following distance at low speeds – when driving at high speeds the following distance should be at least four seconds - this distance should be increased at night, in foggy or rainy conditions and when the road is wet
  • Avoid distractions while driving and don’t use your cellphone to take calls, or text – be alert at all times!
  • Only overtake when it is absolutely safe to do so and do not overtake on double white lines.
  • Have a good rest before you embark on your journey and take safety breaks every two hours or 200km.
  • Be courteous towards fellow road users - keep your temper and resist the temptation to retaliate
  • Do not drink and drive!
REMINDER: Basic COVID-19 protocols to remember during the festive season
  • Ensure adequate ventilation at all times
  • Sufficient cleaning of frequently touched surfaces or areas
  • Good hand hygiene (regular washing and use of sanitisers)
  • Wearing of masks at all times (if possible)
  • Social distancing and avoid touching and hugging
  • Avoidance (if possible) of crowded areas/shops/malls/gatherings/events
  • When not feeling well stay home!


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