
MD Note

Monday, 29 November 2021

We are at the end of another challenging year. COVID-19 has continued to challenge all aspects of our lives and is trying its best to prevent us from returning to normality. On the business side, we were not short of challenges either. Apart from the COVID-19 challenges, we have experienced the unprecedented KZN protest action, which impacted all our lives in very different ways. Overall, as a business Illovo Sugar South Africa has had a difficult year. We ended the fiscal year without hitting our performance and profit targets, and we are already behind on our 2022 first quarter targets.

Whilst the Sugar operations performance continues to be below standard, we are expecting the implementation of the forthcoming off-crop plans to bring a big step change improvement in performance next season. To be successful, we all need to be fully engaged in the work required to successfully turnaround performance.

The strong Downstream (Merebank, Furfural, Syrup and LACSA) business performance continues to be strong and I encourage all employees in these sectors of our business to continue to drive excellence in all spheres of our operations.

As the year draws to a close, let us take a moment to reflect on the challenges we faced, as well as the challenges we still face, and how we plan to overcome them in 2022. I implore all of you to take advantage of this time off to rest, reboot, and return reenergized for 2022, when we will work together to achieve our objectives.

Your mental health is important to us as a company because it affects how you perform at work and, more importantly, because it reflects who you are to your family and community. Although the 16 days of activism ended on December 10th, I urge you to continue to promote the culture of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence in your daily life. As men, we are accountable for our women's safety; if you are a perpetrator of this behaviour, seek assistance and allow us to call each other out. Women, you are also accountable for stepping away from situations that put you or our children at risk, for supporting one another, and for moving away from the mentality of criticizing or counselling people who are suffering through it to keep going. People who have lost loved ones and have no one to spend this time with, as well as those who do not have the financial means to provide for their families, face a variety of mental health challenges during the festive season. Remember to check in with your loved ones, and simply look after one another to ensure we remain healthy, motivated, and ready to try again in 2022.

It's also critical to stay cautious throughout the festive season, especially in light of the possibility of a fourth wave and the new variants of Covid-19. If you haven't been vaccinated yet, seek guidance from your co-workers and loved ones on how and why you should. Even outside of the workplace, let us continue to follow the Covid-19 safety protocols, such as wearing masks, social distancing, avoiding super spreader events, and washing/sanitizing our hands frequently. For those traveling long distances this festive season, remember to put safety first at all times. Maintain a safe speed and stay alert on the road. Remember that arriving late is better than not arriving.

Please take note that this will be our final newsletter for 2021 and as of 2022 our newsletter will only be distributed quarterly. Look out for our next newsletter beginning of April 2022!

I wish you, your family and friends a blessed and amazing festive season. May you return in 2022, rejuvenated and well rested, ready to kick things up a notch and make the next year a great success! Together we can do it!!


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