
What's the Buzz

Monday, 29 November 2021

This is the last monthly ISSA newsletter, from 2022 we will be producing a quarterly newsletter. First one to be issued end of March 2022


We are at the end of another challenging year.  COVID-19 has continued to challenge all aspects of our lives and is trying its best to prevent us from returning to normality.  On the business side, we were not short of challenges either.  Apart from the COVID-19 challenges, we have experienced the unprecedented KZN protest action, which impacted all our lives in very different ways.  Overall, as a business Illovo Sugar South Africa has had a difficult year. We ended the fiscal year without hitting our performance and profit targets, and we are already behind on our 2022 first quarter targets.  Read more



General Manager Updates: Sites  Suren Naidoo
- Sezela General Manager

We are in the final stages of the 2021 crushing season and upon reflection it has indeed been a tough season for the Sezela site with both highs and low points. We successfully accomplished the shortest off-crop in recent months despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and with some of our key suppliers. Read more

Safety @Illovo
Festive season personal and road safety tips
With the festive season here and many of us planning a well-deserved break or holiday, remember to ensure your homes are secure while you are away, be extra careful on the roads and look after your valuables while on holiday. Crime tends to increase during the holiday season, so be vigilant and stay safe. 
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Sweet to Meet You
To end off the year, we are ‘meeting’ and getting to know an additional five staff members from ISSA who have navigated their way through this year with various challenges as well as successes in our company, their personal lives and in the country. We chat to some of the syrup colleagues and a new member from finance!
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In the Field
The Commercial Department celebrates successful Intra-Africa Trade Fair 
This year, the Intra-Africa Trade Fair (IATF) brought together even more professionals under one roof for a full seven days during November 2021 at the ICC in Durban. 
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Bizz Whizz
As we officially count down the last days 2021, we can proudly look back and celebrate yet another big accomplishment for our business. Since mid-November, the Illovo Sugar South Africa EXCO roadshow to engage with employees about the future of the company for the next five years.
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Khuluma Nathi
The Khuluma Nathi platform is a digital employee engagement solution designed for ISSA and was created during 2019, which connects employees directly to the organisation no matter where they are.
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In the Market
Zooming in on Eston syrup plant 
The planting and rising of sugar cane, and eventually the manufacturing of sugar, has a long history at Illovo Sugar, but the creation of syrup from the cane stalk has a long history as well, and is still practiced in a more modern world today. Illovo Syrup has been a part of South African families' breakfasts and festive events in the desert menu for more than a century.
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Celebrating Success
Illovo Sugar South Africa has realized that in order to remain competitive, it must re-evaluate its business approach, adopt new norms and regulations, and become more forward-thinking in order to accept new workplace dynamics, and the Fit4Future project has been successful in this regard.
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Write in & Wina Wena 
What inspires me: The secret to happiness is helping others
By : Nonjabulo Mbanjwa
Planning Clerk
Eston Illovo Sugar Mill
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Health @Illovo
Mental health during festive season is a top priority these holidays
Although the holiday season is seen as joyful and fun, the holiday blues are a real phenomenon. The amount of stress felt during the holidays may surprise you, but you certainly aren’t alone in feeling low. The holiday season can be a tremendously stressful time for many individuals who are struggling with depression, loneliness and anxiety.
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Sweet Treats
Brown/ Malva pudding
It’s that time of the year where you get to put your feet up and relax and what better way to do this than by having a scrumptious dessert! Not sure what to make this festive season? Don’t fret! You can try out our mouth-watering warm Brown Pudding also known as Malva Pudding. This well known and loved South African dessert is perfect for every occasion.
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HR @ Illovo
Financial savviness during the festive season
The festive season and end of year holidays are exciting times that everyone looks forward to. This is also a time when overspending happens, especially with online shopping being so convenient! 
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Illovo Group News
ISSA Speak Up Programme Initiative Roll-OutIllovo Sugar Africa launched the Illovo Speak Up programme earlier this month, replacing the former Deloitte Tip-Offs Anonymous service. As Illovo Sugar South Africa, we are also a part of this new initiative. The Speak Up program was launched by ABF's 53 member companies throughout the world, and it is currently being customized for Illovo and integrated into our operations.
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What's Happening
We can all agree that 2021 has been a very challenging year! We cannot wait to take a break! Keep your loved ones entertained and busy while learning and having fun at the same time. Remember to adhere to the COVID-19 regulations and social distancing!  Due to changing Covid-19 restrictions and increased infections, be sure to check if these events are still taking place beforehand.
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